hye harini saya rajin nak share resipi pavlova yang sedap yang kalau makan dekat luar hari hari mau kena baling pinggan dengan emak sebab membazir.walaupun google pon dah dapat resipi tapi trust me manis ya ampunnnnnn.tapi google je la sebab i pon guna resipi from google hihi.
preheat oven 140 C masa preparation time okess.panaskan oven dulu,penting!
Cook Time: 1 hour 15 minutes(i make it until the surface colour turns brown(1hr45min) sebab bile i buat 1hour15min dalam die macam tak bake lagi sbb too soft.sepatutnye still crunchy.tapi sukati la korang nak buat lama mana)
4 large egg whites at room temperature
1 cup of Castor sugar(u might want to reduce it sebab sangattttttt la manis)
1 tsp of white vinegar(1 sudu kecil)
1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch(i taruk 1 sudu besar sbb if u penah rasa delicious/serai nye pavlova lain cause serai die macam crunch and ade rasa cake but delicious die mcm sangat light)so i suggest taruk banyak pon takpooo.
1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract
preheat oven 140 C masa preparation time okess.panaskan oven dulu,penting!
Cook Time: 1 hour 15 minutes(i make it until the surface colour turns brown(1hr45min) sebab bile i buat 1hour15min dalam die macam tak bake lagi sbb too soft.sepatutnye still crunchy.tapi sukati la korang nak buat lama mana)
4 large egg whites at room temperature
1 cup of Castor sugar(u might want to reduce it sebab sangattttttt la manis)
1 tsp of white vinegar(1 sudu kecil)
1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch(i taruk 1 sudu besar sbb if u penah rasa delicious/serai nye pavlova lain cause serai die macam crunch and ade rasa cake but delicious die mcm sangat light)so i suggest taruk banyak pon takpooo.
1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract

till here,selamat mencuba.!
p/s:i dont mind people take my entry and copy it to their blog IF u ask for it first.i do ask permission if i copyright others.cause actually some of the words i change so i just know when u take mine.oke la if dont want to tell pon janganlah every entry you want to copies kann.cheers.if u do know me doesnt mean u are my bestfriend.
nk order boleh?.hihiih..:)
huyooo cam sedap jer.. leh oder x??
*malas nk buat sendiri
latest entry Bila menderma biar ikhlas... & TAJUK ENTRI KORANG
ohh selalu tengok pavlova ni dekat blog mak hanis zalikha.. u punya pon not bad..
dr gamba pon i tawu pavlova u sedap!
sdpnyer...tlg buatkn bole
boleh buat bisnes di bazar ramadhan ni nanti :-)
mak aihh.
lookss sooo delicious
tapi rasa yg sebenar tak tahu lah.
keh keh
boleh ke gmbr ni nak letak dlm tumblr? :p
nmpak sedap. kene cuba buat ni. :)
salam dear..
on ur 2nd attempt pavlova...what did u put to make the inside more crunchier? tq dear
Hye dear
Just wanna ask u one thing...what did u put on ur 2nd attempt pavlova that make it more crunchier?..with the blue topping...
thanks dear
Salam Dear,
Can i know what did u put on ur 2nd pavlova attempt that make the inside more crunchier?
pavlova?? nyum nyum!! na try buat jugak lah! hihi :p
princess:tunggu sampai i make the 10th attempt dulu ehehe
sue:pavlova memang dap2 tapi kalau makn selalu boleh kena kencing manis ni
kaizen:wait for my 10th attempt then baru bole oder hihi
marya:tu la nak try to make cantik2 tak jadi iskk
farehah:hihi siss ni family and friends je makan setakat nih.;)
delarocha:ade ke ramadhan nak makan pavlova nye
amier:yes u can.rase die sedappp la ahahah.
bib:yeza please try
a.m.y:sis,i extended the time of baking to 1hr 45 min and add more cornstarch:)
hyzan:please try and nanti gtau eh end result
nak buat nati..
thanks yank for sharing
Yums. Sedap nyeeeee
looks nice and sedap! hehe, i have tried to make one as well =)
nmpk sedap..yum yum yum..
sdap.. nk try buat la nant2...tq for the recipe!!
bella, serius la nak order..utk besday ibu..boleh?...
pape email eh...fatin_fathirah@yahoo.com...
tiqa pon penah try sebelum ni tapi dalam dia macam terlalu lembik dan manis sangat hii kira tak jadi la kan.
alaa.. lambat lg ker nk ke10 tuh??
bella, nk share resipi ni dgn kawan i. boleh kan? :) kecur tengok!!!
hai bella :) i nak tanye bahagian dalam pavlova tu u whipped cream yea? bcs i tengok yang serai punye ade cream inside the pavlova tapi bahagian luar die takde kesan potong. so all in all, i confused. can u pls explain? -HANI-
princess and kaizen:i bebetul tak berani lagi nak jual,sorry.:(
atiqah:haah kalau dalam tu lembik sbenarnye tak masak sangat lagi,if die lembut tapi rasa macam da masak,jadi je.<3
anonymous:selalunye kalau jual kat kedai die akan buat 2layer.so acuan/quantity yang same,it jus that u buat 2 bulatan la.:)and die nipis kan,kalau nak makan biasa salu kite buat tebal kan.dalam yg i buat takde whipped cream.:)kalau nak cantik buat 2 layer,tetengah letak whiped cream.tapi whiped cream kena pandai buat jugak sebab certain die akan jadi cair.:)so takut tak tahan lame la kalau kat luar.:)
am i answering ur question dear.?
yummmy! nak try nampak macam mudah je ni hehe :D
terliur tgk picta kek
anonymous:bukak both,die ade 2 api ehh?rasanye if turn on,bukak both.yupppp 140C tapi salu depends on recipe orang jugak.ade wat 130-150.;)
nak copy ye...
hye! i just dropped by at ur blog n read this recipe. nk tnye, mse u buat ni u ltk vinegar jgk ke? skadar nk tau, sbb ada dlm ingredients..peace yaw!
yes adee
yes adee
vinegar brand apa ea? kalo x letak mende alah tu xbleh ke? hihi..nk tnye sbb nk tau info byk2..:))
ade resipi yang tak taruk rasanye tapi kebanyakannya ade, nk kasi sedapp. brand ape tu i tak ingat la, brand pape pon takpe
nmpakk sedapp gilaaa XD . mestii selaluu buadd nehh . kalau akak buadd lagii ,gimme try onee ! HAhA , juz kiddingg . ^^
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