Hollaaa guys, happy new year! Walaupun dah lepas. I know my blog has been loaded with so much fact about SEDA, FiT, renewable energy and bla blaaaa. Please please please read it, at least you know what happens and have an idea what is that kann. Dari baca dekat err educational blog yang berat, tapi i write it in simplest way. Aci kan?
Sebelum ni saya ada bagi contoh renewable energy is'nt it? Ada 4 which are Biomass, Biogas, Small Hydro and Solar PV which all these 4 are eligible for FiT registration. So 4 sources ni boleh digunakan untuk jual elektrik kepada TNB.
Seda Malaysia adalah agensi pelaksana yang bertanggungjawab untuk program ini. SEDA held to catalyse the generation of RENEWABLE ENERGY and reduce the usage of fuel and avoid the generation of carbon dioxide. Meaning that this FEED IN TARIFF program allows electricity to be produced from renewable energy and then we can sell it back to TNB, at fixed higher price dan masa yang telah ditetapkan oleh SEDA, as below. ;) Menarik tak? Dah la renewable energy, is a renewable, in can be renewed, so does'nt it sound like long term investment for company and individual ehemm?
We, the end user, the house owner, can sell electricity under FiT
scheme. Masa mula-mula dengar ni dekat blogger event under SEDA Malaysia, semua
orang terbukak mata,ye la mana la kita tau yang kita ni boleh jual
elektrik, sebab TNB is such a big company, and for sure dia guna big
money and big machine untuk generate electric, macam mana kita ni,
rakyat2 marhaen nak jual pulak kan. Sebenarnya bolehh. The easiest way
is just to install home solar PV on top of your roof, register under FiT
program, follow the step, wallah ready to go, TNB will buy the electric
In order to be entitled to sell renewable energy at above rate, a Feed-in
Approval (FiA) will have to be applied to and granted by SEDA Malaysia.
The application for the FiA can be done both manually or online via SEDA
Malaysia’s official website. Pergi website SEDA ( Go to download, Forms and FiT application form. Kalau nak buat manually u can go over SEDA Malaysia office as follow. Mana mana pon boleh.
For individual? Untuk kita rakyat jelata yang nak install, kita akan dapat feed in tariff rate yang telah ditetapkan oleh SEDA untuk jual elektrik kepada TNB, tau tak berapa? Lebih kurang 4 kali ganda diorang beli elektrik dari kita kena bayar diorang.hiuhiu.
For companies? Untuk organisasi, boleh pilih. Samada pioneer status with income tax exemption 100% of statutory income untuk 10TAHUN!, atau Investment Tax Allowance off 100% on qualifying capital expenditure incurred dalam masa 5 TAHUN dannnn import duty dan sales tax exemption for equipment used to generate energy from renewable sources. Refer term Companies as locally incorporated under the Companies act 1965 ( berhad and sendirian berhad)
for more details please refer here (
Ok kalau susah sangat nak nampak meh i bagi nampak.(source)
Passive Income of RM430 - RM630 per
month (RM7,200 per annum).
Ini sebagai contoh sahaja
A 4 kWp Solar Retrofitted system (ini harga install the solar) =
RM44,000 (Cost of Capital Expenditure - Capex).
The Solar PV system can generate 415
kWh (yield per month) x 1.0411 (FiT rate for 4 kW Retrofitted) = RM432 per month (payment received from
Thus, with investment of RM44,000, investor
will generate a total of RM108,800 over the period of 21 years. This is equivalent to a simple ROI (not
taken into account of NPV) of more than 15%.
Thus, the roof can provide a shelter and also a
passive income to the owner, and off-set CO2 from fossil fuel (1kWh = 0.7kg
How is that? Interesting much? Nanti saya akan cerita step by step to register Feed in Tariff ni :) Stay tuned!
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