Monday, March 10, 2014

SEDA MALAYSIA - Feed in Tariff individual Solar PV

Hye and assalamualaikum, so from now onwards all the entries are about Feed in Tariff till the end. For individual as well as for industry. Understand the feed in tariff, solar PV system, how does it works, income and savings, cost and payback, how to register and so on. That’s a lot. But I’ll explain one by one. As this is for me the ultimate thing you need to know when you want to install solar PV at home after a longgg briefing kan.

Understanding the Feed in Tariff 

Feed in tariff ialah Antara satu polisi yang paling efektif dimana ia menggalakkan penggunaan renewable energy. Fungsi utama renewable energy fund ialah untuk membayar feed in tariff user ni la yang mana yang dah daftar di bawah FiT program. Siapa yang menguruskan RE Fund ni? SEDA Malaysia. SO basically FiT enables RE power producer to be paid the premium tariff and sell the energy generated to participating Distribution Licensees such Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) untuk masa yang spesifik yang telah ditetapkan oleh REPPA, for instance, sesiapa yang install PV Solar, is 21years. Gituu.

How does FiT work? 

The basic concept is DL (TNB) bayar kepada Feed in Approval Holder (KITA) for renewable energy that is generated and supplied to electricity grid on a premium tariff. So meter will be installed to record the amount of RE produced by the system and passed the main electricity grid. Setiap bulan DL (TNB) akan kredit kan bayara kepada kita. Mana diorang dapat duit nak bayar sesiapa yang install solar PV ni? Haaaa yang tu la dari collection of 1.6% yang dibayar oleh pengguna setiap bulan, dipanggil RE Fund.


Understanding solar PV system 

Solar PV system basically consists of 4 components. Kalau takde 4 ni, takde la solar PV hihi

The PV Array: electricity is generated by solar cells. The sun produce abundant source of renewable energy. It can be converted to electricity by using solar PV.

The inverter: electricity produced by the PV array is direct current. Then it needs to be converted to alternating current before it can be connected to utility grid. The inverter is the heart of the system and is responsible for performing this conversion safely.

Generation meter: the generation meter tells you and the DL (TNB) how much power has generated and how much have fed into the utility grid. Feed in Tariff is a program that credits you for the power that you generate and feed into grid.

Performance monitoring (Not compulsory): various forms of meters ranging from simple displays wireless monitors and web based data access are used to track the performance of P systems. There are several options available to suit your specific needs.


How does solar PV work?

So after you install? Do u know how does it actually works? So the component in a solar PV system that generates electricity is PV module. PV modules generate electricity when they are exposed to sunlight. The PV effect is the basic electrical process through which a solar cell converts sunlight into electricity.


Dont forget to visit SEDA untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut tentang renewable energy, Feed-in-Tarriff, Sustainable energy and many MORE!

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