this seminar is for finar year student bac in chemistry.yea.!objective?generally for us to have an idea what job should we apply as a chemist n to convince us that chemistry students are versatile,harhar,i mean hey u can be engineer, can enter bisnes world, as well as consultant.
believe me,not jus say, penceramah yang datang sume is majoring in chemistry okeh n now keje sume laen2.ahaha.
n of course when we invite the talker, mesti sume nye kaye2 okeh n if u can get young enterprenuer, fuhh cair kott. and after that mesti wahh i want to be like her/ report bejuta2 when u only 28,sape tana jadi mcm die?
yes, my aim, saye ne keje sniri. own delegacy.tihihihi.
tetba terase sdey na meninggalkan zaman degree.master mesti ta same.:(.
btw,im applying MBA.master business administration.have to.demi ibubapa.haha.
haha.buruk gile.bangun tdo lmbt.pastu tros grak,pastu jam wat bengang je.pastu dfta dok kejap tros g mkn.haha.ade cam gadis kmpg innocent ta?yes i am.hehehe.
okeh ni namenye dr tan w.t.(taley taruk name pnoh,kang google jmpe blog aku)kantoi da nnti.die baek...ngn saye.haha.bile saye jmpe die(almaklumlah 3bln skali baru jmpe lecturer) msti die kck2 kan mate die pastu kate eh look familiar but not so.i think i knoe u,but not sure where.pastu bile aku tjk gigi besi aku baru die kate,yeah now i remember.hampeh.tape la time kaseh gigi besi.dr nih fes tyme jmpe die ckp aku tinggi kurus.pastu die kate aku suke social nye keje cam model,wartawan yang becakap2 punye la.pndai2 je.pastu ade gigi besi. pastu die tnjk gigi die kat aku.haha ade ke dr na smbg2 ngan ko smpi tnjk gigi sume.sbb gigi die jarang,die tingin pakai braces tapi da tua kan,then die kate tape la wife die ta kesa.2nd time jmpe die ckp pasal mate aku.hey i like ur eyes,whre did u get,mummy or daddy,i said none of them pastu die gelak.haha.ade la ckit2 tapi not fully.orang ckp aku ank angkt..jaat2.die bkn gatal ea.bkn na ngorat aku just die mmg jenis tgk orang2 yang jmpe die.
pastu 3rd time jmpe die ckp pasal idong aku.ur nose pointed.pastu die tnjk idung die jgk.pastu aku ckp eh dr nye idong pown la.cane dr ley dpt idung cani..haha.jaat la chinese kan idung ta pointed sgt.he said, i also dun knoe,n his wife pown pointed jgk oke,pastu die amek gmba wife ngan anak2 die tnjk kat aku.haha.klaka.kalo na jmpe die 5 min je,jadi 45 min okeh.sbb die mmg suke ckp kot.bes la sbb dr nih je yang salu sembang2.len dr sume ckp sal baja,ta kasi dok blk dorang lame2.haha.die pesan nanti bile aku smbg baja g jumpe die.haha.aku ni da la malas na menjejakkan kaki ke fakulti sains nih.jaat.
canteekk la akak nie!suke tgk!
huhuhu..tq adik manis.:)
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