assalamualaikum.first of all nak bagitahu,since my friendssss ramai terasa when they dont even know i continue my study.officially,me nabeela currently is a student of gsm UPM, with matrix no gmrahsia,taking MBA(master in business administration) majoring in very sorry if my silent from everyone,i repeat everyone,not only the chosen people,causes you guys have to understand under age girl like me(HAHA) oke sorry.sometimes, my mereng brain dont think its important.:(.emm,sincerely sorry.maybe after be in grown up class make me a lil bit matured and alert to surround people.
im the youngest in the class.funneh!okeh thats not funny.macam tak biasa masuk kelas aku paling muda.since standard 4,i used to study with people older than me.thats not easy.not easy.i used been in the same class with my brother for bout 2years.kelakar la pulak the class with people older than you,kan salu bile baru kenal orang tanye umur berapa kan,and i thought after entered uni there's no such that question will popup as an intro question but still duhh.macam ala takyah la tanye,i suke lagi jadi umur banyak.when they said im 23,i pon nakkk 23.tapi i have to said 21,and feedback macam biasa,mudenyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.oke fine.
till now,when a guy,same age like mine,approach me,feel like eh tak cukup umur lagi la pergi la cari orang lagi muda.haa poyo tak?macam tua sangat la plak kann.i dun know.maybe because of i used to it.then,very obvious,they treat me like a very very very pampered when sitting around with friends.even at matric i think.sebab diorang rase i adik.which i sukee gile.huhu even i have a momma.hikhik.momma tuh macam bole mengade la dengan orang tuh without kena marah.kan kalo orang mengade nih macam nak kasi pelempang kan.tapi i tak kena hoho.sebab i adik.
bile dah terbiasa dengan camtu,sampai sekarang pon i still macam macamane?macam bile masuk kelas je people will automatically treat me like adik.maybe not all but certain.bile cakap alalala comelnye.adoiii.first day registered,ask umur berapa.blabla,end class eh kena panggil kakak ke eh?ye la some people they like to be called in a respect way kan.i oke je if u asked me to call u kakak.kakakkk.i love people call me kakak.hiks.for the girl je la.baru la rasa hey aku kan kakak.tapi in this new class,ade jugak orang umur 40++ which macam makcik pakcik da.emmm.sangat sedih rasa rendah diri la semua da besar i kecik cinonet je nak lawan orang besar.T__T.
cerita macam bosan pulak.nak cerita satu je sebab nak masuk cerita lain tapi dah tercerita panjang,so cerita lain lenkali je laa huhu.and baru i tau course yang i amek nih is to produce a manager.!cacats gile baru im a chemist,master,im a manager,lepastu jadi tukang masak dirumah sahaja cacatss sangat.and theres lot lot lot lot of presentation.u have to speak up.u have to interrupt,u have to argue,u have to emm have good communication skill,which i terok gile zzzz in order to success.susah oke susah.changing field and course from science which da sebati dari sekolah to business field.wish me luck.T__T.siapa yang dulu amik bisnes,sile halo halo gua ye.:)
till here,boboi.
im the youngest in the class.funneh!okeh thats not funny.macam tak biasa masuk kelas aku paling muda.since standard 4,i used to study with people older than me.thats not easy.not easy.i used been in the same class with my brother for bout 2years.kelakar la pulak the class with people older than you,kan salu bile baru kenal orang tanye umur berapa kan,and i thought after entered uni there's no such that question will popup as an intro question but still duhh.macam ala takyah la tanye,i suke lagi jadi umur banyak.when they said im 23,i pon nakkk 23.tapi i have to said 21,and feedback macam biasa,mudenyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.oke fine.
till now,when a guy,same age like mine,approach me,feel like eh tak cukup umur lagi la pergi la cari orang lagi muda.haa poyo tak?macam tua sangat la plak kann.i dun know.maybe because of i used to it.then,very obvious,they treat me like a very very very pampered when sitting around with friends.even at matric i think.sebab diorang rase i adik.which i sukee gile.huhu even i have a momma.hikhik.momma tuh macam bole mengade la dengan orang tuh without kena marah.kan kalo orang mengade nih macam nak kasi pelempang kan.tapi i tak kena hoho.sebab i adik.
bile dah terbiasa dengan camtu,sampai sekarang pon i still macam macamane?macam bile masuk kelas je people will automatically treat me like adik.maybe not all but certain.bile cakap alalala comelnye.adoiii.first day registered,ask umur berapa.blabla,end class eh kena panggil kakak ke eh?ye la some people they like to be called in a respect way kan.i oke je if u asked me to call u kakak.kakakkk.i love people call me kakak.hiks.for the girl je la.baru la rasa hey aku kan kakak.tapi in this new class,ade jugak orang umur 40++ which macam makcik pakcik da.emmm.sangat sedih rasa rendah diri la semua da besar i kecik cinonet je nak lawan orang besar.T__T.
cerita macam bosan pulak.nak cerita satu je sebab nak masuk cerita lain tapi dah tercerita panjang,so cerita lain lenkali je laa huhu.and baru i tau course yang i amek nih is to produce a manager.!cacats gile baru im a chemist,master,im a manager,lepastu jadi tukang masak dirumah sahaja cacatss sangat.and theres lot lot lot lot of presentation.u have to speak up.u have to interrupt,u have to argue,u have to emm have good communication skill,which i terok gile zzzz in order to success.susah oke susah.changing field and course from science which da sebati dari sekolah to business field.wish me luck.T__T.siapa yang dulu amik bisnes,sile halo halo gua ye.:)
till here,boboi.
halo, i tak amik business. hehe. umur 21 da amik master? hebat. you fast track ke ape
haha..dak PTS kah ? same la tu dulu ..skrg sume tanye.." anak da bape ? "
ampeh @#$%&+!@!!
nnti 23rd mst dh de master kan..
great lah! ;)
eesya:i dak lompat hehe
chairool:yay betoll.seb baik skang pon orang tau i cam dak tak cukup umur
cerry:yup by 23 da abess kalo tak kena tendang la hehe
hey bagus la u sambung masters at your age! my friend pun sorang tgh buat mba and she's your age. i tanya dia why kan, and she said she felt yg she's still immature sangat to start working. im not saying you're immature, tapi u have the advantage in terms of years dari kami!
good luck for your masters!
btw, kalau u kat upm, hey, saya sangat dekat! kalau nak lepaks, lets! =D
haha my reason n ur frens actually the same.main reason mmg i rase mcm tak layak je nak keje la skang orang pike baru 21 nak kasi jawatan as chemist or wutsoever yang setaraf degree mesti ckp eh bole ke die.tq darl!
haah kat upm,rumah i kat bangi..dekat keee.letsss nanti free roger2 tauu.
erm..we were in the same boat. ada kawan2 yg kesok hatinya sebab tak bagitau sambung belajar. bukan tak nak bagitahu cuma ntahlah..takkan nak heboh2kan. mcm malu je. hehe
awak buat mba brape tahun?
btw, ill pray for your success. ;)
do take care
wah.muda lg dh wat master.kite yg dh 24 baruk abes dgre..n'way congrate :)
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