"Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life..so be grateful.~~;)appreciate others like you want to be appreciated."
kakak ada a huge secret to tell.. but, pls pls pls don't tell anyone k..? :)
kakak actually kn.. hehe. dah fall in love dgn bella la~ :) seriously, rase mcm nk keep bella all to myself~ boleh tak plsss~
kakak tau this might sound selfish, but then kakak sentiasa doa biarla jodoh yg terbaik buat bella is kakak punya brother arif tau~ :) sbb kakak rase u're are without any doubt the best for him~ InsyaALLAH, he is for u too~ *aMeen.Ameen.Ya Rabbil 'alamin~*
ayeem:ni bukan 17 laa.ni tak pakai makeup hoho.btw haha stalker!kidding.tu acc baru and tak active,yg lame punye delete sbb ya know mspace kan.friendster jumpe tak?hoho
aimie:psst psst kakak.u have reveal ur secret to others hehe.everyone reading.ok others please do keep as secret hehe.
yay i have secret too,but nak keep la hee.;)tapi as i told,da lameeee love kakak since u visit me.~~hee.
and kite sebenarnya if can dont want to start any conversation/perkenalan with a new guy sebab takut sangat nak bagi harapan dekat orang but at the end kite hancurkan.unfair untuk orang yang tunggu.sob.so for now,just go with the flow with orang2 yang kite ada sekarang.tapi jodoh dan pertemuan ditangan Allah and kite merancang,Dia yang menentukan.
i always pray supaya temukan jodoh yang baik.same goes to you kakak.;):*.
oh, hehe, ingatkan 17. tak baca betol2. :p dah agak dah mesti kena cop stalker. semua org pon pernah stalk, tapi tak nak mengaku. ok, i stalk, sikit je. just googled your name. -__-" btw, kenapa ada bendera brasil tu?
nak buat camne, dah naturally semua laki suke tgk pompuan lawa. u pon suka hensem guy kan. haha. and jd silent reader pon da kira stalk jugak. semua org suka silent read, and semua org pon stalker! haha
oh patot lah. tp brasil takde ramai handsome guy maa? hehe. anyway go for germany! ;)
heee... Kita sama, susah nak stalk lelaki. Mungkin sbb sy dah ada berpunya. Haha.. Stalk perempuan? Yes. Lagi2 la yang lawa2 n pandai berfesyen. Wahhh.. Sangat best kalau boleh belajar tips2nya.
P/s : setuju ngan u. Hargai org macam mana kita nak dihargai..
P/s : ada peminat sampai nak jadikan u as adik ipar. Wallaweyhh.. Suka jwpan u pada kakak. Sangat mature.. =)
amni:hahahaah bukan peminat la.;p. she is sister of mine. kadang2 laki ni susah,kalau dah suke,nak jugak.tapi Allah yang tentukan,tetiba jodoh dengan orang yang kite tak suke sangat.who knows.
sama je macam sekarang? tapi ada inesen sikit lah. hehe
yeah, agree :) appreciate all every moment in our life. think positive and always be happy ♥ sweet 17 dear. may God bless you, always :)
terjumpa ni tadi. http://www.myspace.com/belladelarosa hihikkk. memang lain
17?? waoh~
comel nye sayang kite ni even tak akai mekap! suka suka! :)
kite kalau x pakai mekap, buruk sgt, terus jadi tak konfiden :((
tak makeup pown still cute!;)
peh 17 pula? ish2
Eh ayeem ada kat sini!!!!
comel :)
Bella syg~ :)
kakak ada a huge secret to tell.. but, pls pls pls don't tell anyone k..? :)
kakak actually kn.. hehe. dah fall in love dgn bella la~ :) seriously, rase mcm nk keep bella all to myself~ boleh tak plsss~
kakak tau this might sound selfish, but then kakak sentiasa doa biarla jodoh yg terbaik buat bella is kakak punya brother arif tau~ :) sbb kakak rase u're are without any doubt the best for him~ InsyaALLAH, he is for u too~ *aMeen.Ameen.Ya Rabbil 'alamin~*
love u soo much lil sister~ *huGs*
braces tu yg penting! :PPP
better! bersih! =D
ayeem:ni bukan 17 laa.ni tak pakai makeup hoho.btw haha stalker!kidding.tu acc baru and tak active,yg lame punye delete sbb ya know mspace kan.friendster jumpe tak?hoho
aina:ya Allah my dear.kidding je yang.-_-".nampak muda ye hehe
que:woahh tak pecaye ke?
arxar:buruk la tu kan.penat gile muka dengan bengkak.sobbb pastu isk.comel je la yayang u tak pakai makeup pon.
dark rose:alhamdulillah,Allah the creator tapi sembab macam baru bangun tido.:'(
shahrul:hehe 16 kot?
araya::)))tq sweetie.;)
aimie:psst psst kakak.u have reveal ur secret to others hehe.everyone reading.ok others please do keep as secret hehe.
yay i have secret too,but nak keep la hee.;)tapi as i told,da lameeee love kakak since u visit me.~~hee.
and kite sebenarnya if can dont want to start any conversation/perkenalan with a new guy sebab takut sangat nak bagi harapan dekat orang but at the end kite hancurkan.unfair untuk orang yang tunggu.sob.so for now,just go with the flow with orang2 yang kite ada sekarang.tapi jodoh dan pertemuan ditangan Allah and kite merancang,Dia yang menentukan.
i always pray supaya temukan jodoh yang baik.same goes to you kakak.;):*.
amy:yesss rasa macam taknak bukak hee
azzam:yess i try not to over from now on.hopefully hee
oh, hehe, ingatkan 17. tak baca betol2. :p dah agak dah mesti kena cop stalker. semua org pon pernah stalk, tapi tak nak mengaku. ok, i stalk, sikit je. just googled your name. -__-" btw, kenapa ada bendera brasil tu?
sape lah pulak anon kat atas tuu
ayeem, stalk sikiittt punya banyakkk kannn?
hmm go with the flow. i like it. gimme five bella.
yepp, u x make up sweet 17 sgt! :)
muka suci and murni.. hehe..
haha i pon stalker.stalk pompuan je la tapi.tak baik laki salu tengok pompuan nih..;p.tak dapat pahala,tengok muka mak,dapat pahala.
it was lastt year i think.masa world cup ke ape.as matter of fact i brasil among the favor team hehe.
nak buat camne, dah naturally semua laki suke tgk pompuan lawa. u pon suka hensem guy kan. haha. and jd silent reader pon da kira stalk jugak. semua org suka silent read, and semua org pon stalker! haha
oh patot lah. tp brasil takde ramai handsome guy maa? hehe. anyway go for germany! ;)
Natural beauty... :-)
Natural beauty.....
marya:hahaha suci ape nye sayanggg.;)
ayeem:suke.tapi tak la salu tengok.;p
hello it just a picture of a flag.n only two of it exist in my album zzzz.the other one germany huahua tapi tak taruk.
cantik ! hey dear , do come and visit my site selling SKIRTS and blouse ~ do visit at anisumbrella.blogspot.com
cantiknye awak ni.. suke tengo your face. hehe
yeayyyy germany!
heee... Kita sama, susah nak stalk lelaki. Mungkin sbb sy dah ada berpunya. Haha.. Stalk perempuan? Yes. Lagi2 la yang lawa2 n pandai berfesyen. Wahhh.. Sangat best kalau boleh belajar tips2nya.
P/s : setuju ngan u. Hargai org macam mana kita nak dihargai..
P/s : ada peminat sampai nak jadikan u as adik ipar. Wallaweyhh.. Suka jwpan u pada kakak. Sangat mature.. =)
ish kakak aimi ni selfish la. mana boleh camtu. tak fair.
anis:da pegiiii cantik nye skirttt.!;)
acuk:alhamdulillah.Allah the creator.Dia ciptakan hambanya semua indah
amni:hahahaah bukan peminat la.;p.
she is sister of mine.
kadang2 laki ni susah,kalau dah suke,nak jugak.tapi Allah yang tentukan,tetiba jodoh dengan orang yang kite tak suke sangat.who knows.
anonymous:nape cakap my sister macam tu?
ampun maap dipinta kakak si bella. u tak selfish. cuma caring and taking care of her sister je.
hai gadis lawa..ade abang?
raden:adaaa yang.;)
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