rasa nak menangis je upload semua gambar ni tau.seminggu tahu nak edit,memang over kan sampai seminggu.nak buat cane,pandang blog pon dah sebelah mata.this is our first date.masa bulan 5 kot,right after i finished my final exam.tapi i kan pernah jumpe azar dulu,so ni first time meet kakak aimie la.i am not so nervous sebenarnye nak jumpe,jumpe orang cantik,nervous la.tapi sebab kitorang on the phone lamaaa sangat malam2(takde siapa call selain kakak aimie,kesian i.T__T),kurang da nervousness tu ehehe.
meeting up at 12.i wait at dunkin donut,kl sentral at 10am,azar arrived at 11am and kakak arrive at 12 yess.i had my lunch with cockroaches, cofee, donut and half boiled egg.complete set aite.cockroaches everywhere i tell you.i did inform the waiter and she just oh oke.ya Allah.
basically we went to 3 places ehehe.power tak power.first we enjoyed our lunch dekat garden lifestyle cafe.kedai die comel.and garden baru bukak dekat alamanda,haruslah pergi chill dekat situ selalu lepas bukak sem.:))price affordable lah jugak.
meeting up at 12.i wait at dunkin donut,kl sentral at 10am,azar arrived at 11am and kakak arrive at 12 yess.i had my lunch with cockroaches, cofee, donut and half boiled egg.complete set aite.cockroaches everywhere i tell you.i did inform the waiter and she just oh oke.ya Allah.
basically we went to 3 places ehehe.power tak power.first we enjoyed our lunch dekat garden lifestyle cafe.kedai die comel.and garden baru bukak dekat alamanda,haruslah pergi chill dekat situ selalu lepas bukak sem.:))price affordable lah jugak.

then we go for a movie which is monte carlo,good movie i should say.sebab i suke cerita girly geli nih hihi. we watched at the curve. worth la tengok tapi sekarang dah takde la sebab i ni kan cik bab(lembab) nak update.takpe lah dah lepas,pergi cari cd oke?
then kitorang gerak pergi one utama sebab kakak claimed that kat situ ade serai,tapi takde.hihihi comel je.duduk dekat lava kejap,ye la takkan dah pergi tak buat pape.makan churoz and macarons and chatting and snapping and buat la ape2.kakak and azar ni sangat la peramah and me sangat lah tak reti nak beramah mesra dengan orang.tapi kalau dah kenal sampai tak reti tutup mulut sampai azar cakap kite nenek tahuuu.
then kitorang gerak pergi one utama sebab kakak claimed that kat situ ade serai,tapi takde.hihihi comel je.duduk dekat lava kejap,ye la takkan dah pergi tak buat pape.makan churoz and macarons and chatting and snapping and buat la ape2.kakak and azar ni sangat la peramah and me sangat lah tak reti nak beramah mesra dengan orang.tapi kalau dah kenal sampai tak reti tutup mulut sampai azar cakap kite nenek tahuuu.

dah lelama sangat duduk kat situ kitorang pon keluar pergi empire gallery pulak sebab nak pergi makan pavlova yay.kakak said that serai is among the best and would love to give a try.and sedappp.masa kitorang mengumpat pasal pavlova rupenye chef die ada kat sebelah,luckily mengumpat kata sedap je.and sedap.trust me.macam i buat sedap die.ni dah masuk bakul angkat sendiri aha.well u can ask orang yang dah makan,sedappp.;0

with kakak aimie gojes meletup ehe

since i tell my dad am going to meet this lady for the first time,knowing her only at fb.he called me like every hour tauuu.haha he never did like that.kalau pukul 11 tak balik lagi baru call.ni sampai okeh takyah angkat laa.at 3 he called ask me pukul berapa nak balik,baru pukul 3 kot zzzzzzz.akhirnya selamat sampai rumah pukul 9lebih.:))))
well u can visit kakak aimie post bout this here and boleh terjah blog azar jugak!till here bye!
p/s:selamat menyambut ramadhan al mubaraq my dear friends.:)ramadhan 2008,always be the most unforgettable sweet memory.:').
well u can visit kakak aimie post bout this here and boleh terjah blog azar jugak!till here bye!
p/s:selamat menyambut ramadhan al mubaraq my dear friends.:)ramadhan 2008,always be the most unforgettable sweet memory.:').
wahh..entri makanan lak 1st day bposa neh.. hihi..selamat berpuasa!!..:)
semuanya comel:) happy fasting sis!
owhhh.. tempting giler baca post ni.. hahahha... @~@
3 3 cantik :)
Kurangkan entry makanan di bulan puasa ni Bella. Ni pun dah telan air liur. Haha
comelnye korangg
three of you beauty as always!
terliur tgk makanan yg super delicious di bulan puasa ni. hahaha =D
happy fasting bella :)
mcm penah terserempak dgn tuan blog,maybe pelanduk dua serupa kot =p
comey la azar... nk knal2 boleh?? heheheh
latest entry Benda yang Aku BENCI time Ramadhan!! & Urban : Camera Paling CANGGIH
each three of you are beautiful :)
akak azar, akak aimie, akak bella ketiga tiga cantik =)
aww tq all and happy fasting everyone!much love
bella2 leh tlg ajar tak mcm mana nk pkai shawl mcm u?cantik je flow shawl.
hai bnyaknya entri mkanan..hanis bru jmpa blog k.bella ni best je smua entri..gmba pun clear..hanis bca smpai hbis smua..da kecik besar kecik besar da tngok skrin nih ahaha..sronoknya klau ada kakak mcm k.bella..hanis xda kkak..klau tjmpa k.bella rsa nk peluk x nk lepas haha bole
i truly admire u !
anon1:ya ALlah my dear i pusing macam biasa je sayang and pin it atas telinga.;)
anon2:aaa terharunyeeeeee macam nak peluk sekarang.tapi malu gile baca sampai habis entry,rasa macam tak matang je entry lame2.:0,
but i have to admit im not a good sister,really
hanimansor:aw sweetheart tq.;)
perghh.. kemain baju kuning. xD
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